Chemical Warfare

What is war anyway? A separation of sub particles from its nuclei core? Or is it just one element reacting to another? To find out more, tune in to this week's issue.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The chicken..or the egg?

Hello again people!

And how might I ask are you feeling today?
Hehe,all the niceties aside, today's topic will be chicken and egg. More importantly, albumin. Now, If I remember correctly.. there's an old unsolved mystery that exist every since I was a dust: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

While in the midst of pondering this piece, let me begin by saying my answer would be a Zeno's Paradox (Check it on wiki if you like). So, don't expect a straight answer from me. Coming back to the egg, what does the embryo need in the egg to become a chicken? Albumin. I am sure you've done some experiments in high school about egg whites. If you boil them, they turn..well..white. And that, my good sir, is translated into Albus in Latin. Aha! Bet you'd never thought Dumbledore was named after the egg..Maybe that's why he's quite Back to the topic, albumin is basically any protein that can dissolve in water and experience heat coagulation.(cooking egg white)Remember, albumin is only reference to one type of protein, albumen(egg white) is made up from dozens of them.

Proteins a.k.a polypeptides, are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain polymer and joined together with peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups containing amino acid residues. The reason why there are varying proteins that exist (e.g. Keratin, Lectin e.t.c) is because the linear polymeric chains enable different composition and structure to form. The sequence of amino acids determine the function. It's like having 11 clothes in your wardrobe but having 39916800 ways of wearing them. If a protein is undergoes hydrolysis(hydro-hydrogen, lysis-break), we would get a mixture of amino acids. Proteins are also classified according to their solubility and shape, such as fibrous protein (, hair) and globular protein(e.g egg albumin, enzymes.

Globular proteins are sometimes soluble in water and sometimes form colloids(starch solution). Why soluble? This has to do with the hydrophilic tendencies of the protein(philia=love). They have a roughly spherical shape and highly folded structure(compact). Now, egg white is albumen. Egg albumin is ovalbumin. We are talking about the basic things that build body, even our own. They are Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen. (Amino acids has -NH2 and -COOH groups). These form the very compounds that ultimately make us function.

The lesson of war, young grasshopper, is that to look at how uniquely simple building blocks of chemistry creates our building blocks of life(cells). And how cells create organisms, ultimately individuals. Individuals form community and earth is the part of universe. We are made of teamwork. We are never alone at all, are we? We're just a part of the bigger picture, you and I. War exist but peace does too. The only way to understand this game is to look at the bigger picture.

Henceforth, I end my weekly rantings again here with my answer whether a chicken or an egg comes first-that is a paradox. We should be focusing on what feeds the egg to become the chicken. The next generation, people. Think BIG!

Thank you for joining me! XD

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