Chemical Warfare

What is war anyway? A separation of sub particles from its nuclei core? Or is it just one element reacting to another? To find out more, tune in to this week's issue.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Let's start the day

My pre-posting in Chemical Warfare.

Welcome, friends and all to my blog. In the first few post, I've decided to dedicate this blog to the topic I've chosen as the name of my blog. If you have found any problems and questions regarding my blog, feel free to comment me or e-mail me at

Formalities aside, let me welcome you to my blog! It is an assignment-based blog that hopefully will grow into a personal-public journal for everyone to read and access.

Sometimes, I think war is overrated. Loss of lives, gun, weapons and heavy artillery contribute to the chaos around us. Some think it's a cause to fight for, and others deem war as a total waste of time. Whatever. If you are here to read about war of conflicts, then this is not it. For a complete definition, argument and subtopics regarding war, visit I'm only here to present ideas on war in chemistry. Hehe, I still sound formal, but in actual fact, war is everywhere. We can't really wish for world peace because if human race are not at war with others, other species if not living things will be. Ants do it all the time. Plants *groan* are even more brutal when they fight for survival or just being a plain bully. And what, I may add, is the essence of life? (not of djinn-based...hehe*bookworm mode*-in case some are lost, read the Bartimaeus trilogy)


Full stop. To find out where it all begins, I've begun to strip apart molecules (not literally-I don't live in CERN) and observing chemical reactions. Think about it. If elements were not just elements, if they were a country of their own, with protons, neutrons and electrons as if they were the trias politica. Judiciary, Legislative and Executive in respective of their power. It makes sense, doesn't it? Can we unlock the secrets of chemistry? Can we understand the play of power between polar and non-polar molecules? Or are you content enough not wanting to delve into this art of war? The true art of war. Of course, please do not attempt war or terrorism based on chemistry because, first of all, we are not elements*cue lame audience laughter*.And second, after every chemical reaction results a state of equilibrium. A state of tolerance and acceptance in sharing electrons and likewise. Since war of the human race have never reached an equilibrium, we ought to educate ourselves on the techniques of peace-making by chemistry. Meanwhile... Recession is hitting hard, many more lives will be affected in the downturn. War is taking toll of the economy and we are never to ignore that. Ever.

When chemicals react, heat is lost, yet amounts of molecules are preserved. Can we say the same for our war? The parallels are both fascinating and appalling. I hope you will enjoy this blog as much as I do like writing it. The serious note I started on my pre-posting is a disclaimer. I don't love war, unless it produces a tasty hot chocolate for me to consume. Till then, peace yall!

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